

ShopperTrak Home Page

ShopperTrak Home Page


Analyzing a company’s needs as carefully as it analyzes retail analytics.

Since 1992, ShopperTrak has been helping malls, retailers and entertainment venues around the globe learn who is coming through their doors, where they are going & how to make the most of that information. Their technology & real-time insights help these businesses increase store traffic and the size of each transaction.

The company’s outdated web presence didn’t reflect its true market position or explain enhanced capabilities that it recently added through acquisitions.

As part of the website team, we embarked on a mission to show the company’s full value using an interactive, story-driven experience.


ShopperTrak Wireframe

ShopperTrak Wireframe


A Storytelling Approach

From the beginning, we were drawn to using a storytelling approach to showcase ShopperTrak’s solutions. To bring the storytelling approach to life, we used a parallax scroll design. This let us create a narrative of the entire shopping experience that followed the footsteps of a potential customer from before they set foot into a store, through their movements throughout the store and on to the final purchase. The shopper’s path enabled us to hit on the key solutions that ShopperTrak offers, providing a natural way to showcase the company’s capabilities.

Throughout the website, we included a number of custom illustrations, animations and graphics to demonstrate the finer points of ShopperTrak’s capabilities and how their solutions work (at a high-level).

To ensure ShopperTrak’s messaging was on target, I met with stakeholders in the various lines of business to delve into the details of each solution. Not only did the new web copy discuss the company’s solutions, we showcased how it works for the various target audiences.

In the careers section, we wanted to help ShopperTrak’s HR department recruit for key roles. We included photos and quotes of representative employees in areas such as IT, marketing and accounting – to give a voice to real people currently working in those departments.

ShopperTrak unveiled its new site to the company amidst much fanfare at an Oscar-themed party. Today, the site stands out from the competition by telling its capabilities in a way unlike any of its competition awards-party

Check it out: